

Cara Mengganti Tampilan Blog

By_H_Q.X.MM.II Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Khususnya para newbie, seperti saya, mungkin bertanya tanya dalam hati, mengapa tampilan web atau blog di internet bisa macam-macam. Ada yang tampilan nya bagus menarik, ada yang tampilan nya biasa, ada yang tampilan nya penuh dengan pernik-pernik yang macam-macam dan masih banyak tampilan tampilan lain dengan berbagai warna warni. Saya pernah tanya ke google tentang tampilan ini, jawaban yang saya peroleh adalah hal itu karena pola template yang dipakai oleh blogger. Selanjutnya pertanyaan dalam hati saya, apa itu template? Jika pertanyaan ini diajukan lagi ke Pakde google, jawabannya bisa macam-macam pula. Dan jawaban yang diberikan tentang template itu saya yakini benar semua, tidak ada yang salah. Tapi kalau boleh disederhanakan agar mudah dipahami oleh newbie atau netter awam seperti penulis, template itu kira-kira adalah pola untuk membentuk tampilan blog atau website di layar monitor.

Tampilan blog atau website itu seperti apa? Kalau anda klik judul artikel ketika browsing dengan google, kemudian muncul halaman blog atau website, itulah namanya tampilan, dan saya sebut template. Sederhana bukan? Setiap blog atau website tentu punya tampilan atau template mereka sediri-sendiri. Dan tampilan blog itu disusun dengan pola tertentu oleh pembuat template. Nah, itu yang bisa saya pahami tentang template. Sudah paham, apa itu template? Hmmm… gaya! Dasar sok tahu…!

Jawaban saya atas apa itu template terkesan sangat awam, ya? Ini memang menunjukkan bahwa penulis masih sangat awam. Tapi sok berani tampil menulis artikel tentang template blog atau web. Kalau anda tidak puas dengan jawaban saya bahwa template adalah tampilan blog atau web, anda bisa Tanya langsung ke mbah google, pasti akan dijawab dengan sangat lengkap. Halaaah malah nglantur ke mana mana nih. Ma’af ya…!

Sekarang kembali ke permasalahan kita, yaitu cara mengganti template atau tampilan blog di blogspot. Apakah anda masih ingat ketika membuat blog di blogspot atau blogger? pada saat proses pembuatan blog sampai pada memilih template atau tampilan, di sana hanya tersedia hanya beberapa template yang desertai contoh tampilan nya, tapi yang kita jumpai di internet banyak blog yang menggunakan domain blogspot, tampilan blognya macam-macam dan tidak sama dengan tampilan pada pilihan template di blogspot. Tahu sebabnya? Itu dikarenakan empunya blog telah mengganti template dari template aslinya dari blogspot dengan template buatan orang lain yang disusun kusus untuk blog di blogspot atau blogger. Makanya tampilan di layar monitor bisa macam-macam.

Agar tidak terlalu panjang artikel ini, langsung saja pada bagaimana langkah langkah cara mengganti template atau tampilan blog, tapi khusus template blog di blogspot. Sedangkan mengganti template di sini adalah template selain yang disediakan blogspot ketika membuat blog pertama kali. Selanjutnya ikuti langkah-langkah mengganti template atau tampilan blog tersebut di bawah ini:


Mengenal jenis Template

Mengapa jenis template harus kita kenali? Ini karena jenis template blog yang akan diganti harus sama dengan template pengganti.

Perlu diketahui bahwa dalam mengenal jenis template, blogspot atau blogger mempunyai dua jenis template yaitu: pertama template jenis classic (HTML) dan yang lain adalah Jenis New (XML). Adapun ciri-ciri masing-masing template tersebut dapat anda lihat pada bagian paling atas dari template itu. Lihat gambar di bawah ini.

a. Jenis template classic HTML.

 classic html template

b. Jenis template New XML

 new xml template


Kunjungi salah satu ( satu saja) website penyedia template gratis di bawah ini:

Download template yang anda sukai. Extract file yang sudah anda download dan lihat jenis template nya. Sudah sesuai belum jenis template itu dengan jenis template blog yang akan diganti.

Cara melihat jenis template yang anda download tadi, bisa dengan melihat ektensi filenya atau dengan membuka file yang anda download, tentu setelah file tersebut diextrak. Cara membukanya, klik kanan pada file yang akan dibuka, pilih open with klik wordpad. Kalau wordpad tidak ada, klik choose program lalu cari wordpad dan klik.

Sedangkan untuk mengetahui jenis template yang sedang digunakan di dalam blog anda, sign in dulu ke blogger anda dan masuk ke tata letak atau layout lalu klik edit HTML. Perhatikan dan Kenali ciri-cirinya dengan menggunakan panduan gambar di atas.


Setelah diteliti dan kedua template, yaitu template pengganti dan template di dalam blog anda, sama jenisnya, lanjutkan proses berikutnya.

Masih tetap berada di edit HTML. Sebelumnya saya ingatkan. Sebelum proses perubahan anda lanjutkan, download dulu template blog anda dengan klik download full template. Ini untuk berjaga-jaga kalau proses mengganti template yang anda lakukan bermasalah.

Dilanjutkan dengan proses mengganti template. Ada dua cara yang bisa dilakukan. Pilih salah satu yang anda anggap mudah.

Cara Pertama

- Klik tab Telusuri atau browse
- Cari file template yang sudah anda extract dari hasil download. Klik open.
- Anda akan dibawa kembali ke halaman blogspot. Dari situ klik unggah atau upload.
- Setelah proses upload selesai, akan ada konfirmasi, Klik confirm and save.

Cara kedua

- Hapus semua kode template yang ada di blog anda. Selanjutnya copy semua kode template pengganti, yaitu template yang baru anda download tadi, dan paste code tersebut di bagian input box template blog anda.
- klik simpan template atau save template
- Akan muncul konfirmasi perubahan. klik confirm and save.


1. Karena konfirmasi perubahan itu memberitahukan bahwa template pengganti tersebut akan menghapus beberapa widget/gadget yang sebelumnya telah terpasang di blog anda, maka semua kode-kode widget itu dicopy dulu dan disimpan di notepad untuk sementara dan selanjutnya dipasang lagi. Mengcopy dan menyimpan widget/gadget tersebut dilakukan sebelum proses ritual mengganti template dilakukan.

2. Jika anda pernah melakukan setting terhadap template dalam blog anda sebelum mengganti template ini, anda bisa melakukan hal yang sama terhadap template pengganti ini (template yang baru) sebelum atau sesudah anda upload template baru tersebut. Maksudnya, sebelum template pengganti diupload, terlebi dahulu anda bisa melakukan setting template tersebut, misalnya ditambah meta keyword, meta content, atau setting halaman navigasi dll. Setelah setting-setting itu dilakukan, baru kemudian diupload untuk mengganti template lama. Kalau ini masih membingungkan, diabaikan saja atau langsung upload template pengganti.

Begitulah proses mengganti template atau tampilan blog untuk blogspot dapat dilakukan. Selamat mencoba, semoga berhasil dan blog anda menjadi lebih menarik tampilan nya berkat pemasangan template baru.
READ MORE - Cara Mengganti Tampilan Blog


Multimedia may be broadly divided into linear and non-linear categories. Linear active content progresses without any navigational control for the viewer such as a cinema presentation. Non-linear content offers user interactivity to control progress as used with a computer game or used in self-paced computer based training. Hypermedia is an example of non-linear content.
Multimedia presentations can be live or recorded. A recorded presentation may allow interactivity via a navigation system. A live multimedia presentation may allow interactivity via an interaction with the presenter or performer.

[edit] Major characteristics of multimedia

Multimedia presentations may be viewed in person on stage, projected, transmitted, or played locally with a media player. A broadcast may be a live or recorded multimedia presentation. Broadcasts and recordings can be either analog or digital electronic media technology. Digital online multimedia may be downloaded or streamed. Streaming multimedia may be live or on-demand.
Multimedia games and simulations may be used in a physical environment with special effects, with multiple users in an online network, or locally with an offline computer, game system, or simulator.
The various formats of technological or digital multimedia may be intended to enhance the users' experience, for example to make it easier and faster to convey information. Or in entertainment or art, to transcend everyday experience.
A lasershow is a live multimedia performance.
Enhanced levels of interactivity are made possible by combining multiple forms of media content. Online multimedia is increasingly becoming object-oriented and data-driven, enabling applications with collaborative end-user innovation and personalization on multiple forms of content over time. Examples of these range from multiple forms of content on Web sites like photo galleries with both images (pictures) and title (text) user-updated, to simulations whose co-efficients, events, illustrations, animations or videos are modifiable, allowing the multimedia "experience" to be altered without reprogramming. In addition to seeing and hearing, Haptic technology enables virtual objects to be felt. Emerging technology involving illusions of taste and smell may also enhance the multimedia experience.

[edit] Terminology

[edit] History of the term

The term "multimedia" was coined[citation needed] by Bob Goldstein (later 'Bobb Goldsteinn') to promote the July 1966 opening of his "LightWorks at L'Oursin" show at Southampton, Long Island. On August 10, 1966, Richard Albarino of Variety borrowed the terminology, reporting: “Brainchild of songscribe-comic Bob (‘Washington Square’) Goldstein, the ‘Lightworks’ is the latest multi-media music-cum-visuals to debut as discothèque fare.”[1] Two years later, in 1968, the term “multimedia” was re-appropriated to describe the work of a political consultant, David Sawyer, the husband of Iris Sawyer—one of Goldstein’s producers at L’Oursin.
Multimedia (multi-image) setup for the 1988 Ford New Car Announcement Show, August, 1987, Detroit, MI
In the intervening forty years, the word has taken on different meanings. In the late 1970s the term was used to describe presentations consisting of multi-projector slide shows timed to an audio track.[2][3] However, by the 1990s 'multimedia' took on its current meaning.
In the 1993 first edition of McGraw-Hill’s Multimedia: Making It Work, Tay Vaughan declared “Multimedia is any combination of text, graphic art, sound, animation, and video that is delivered by computer. When you allow the user – the viewer of the project – to control what and when these elements are delivered, it is interactive multimedia. When you provide a structure of linked elements through which the user can navigate, interactive multimedia becomes hypermedia.” [4]
The German language society, Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache, decided to recognize the word's significance and ubiquitousness in the 1990s by awarding it the title of 'Word of the Year' in 1995. The institute summed up its rationale by stating "[Multimedia] has become a central word in the wonderful new media world"[5]
In common usage, the term multimedia refers to an electronically delivered combination of media including video, still images, audio, text in such a way that can be accessed interactively. Much of the content on the web today falls within this definition as understood by millions. Some computers which were marketed in the 1990s were called "multimedia" computers because they incorporated a CD-ROM drive, which allowed for the delivery of several hundred megabytes of video, picture, and audio data.

[edit] Word usage and context

Since media is the plural of medium, the term "multimedia" is a pleonasm if "multi" is used to describe multiple occurrences of only one form of media such as a collection of audio CDs. This is why it's important that the word "multimedia" is used exclusively to describe multiple forms of media and content.
The term "multimedia" is also ambiguous. Static content (such as a paper book) may be considered multimedia if it contains both pictures and text or may be considered interactive if the user interacts by turning pages at will. Books may also be considered non-linear if the pages are accessed non-sequentially. The term "video", if not used exclusively to describe motion photography, is ambiguous in multimedia terminology. Video is often used to describe the file format, delivery format, or presentation format instead of "footage" which is used to distinguish motion photography from "animation" of rendered motion imagery. Multiple forms of information content are often not considered modern forms of presentation such as audio or video. Likewise, single forms of information content with single methods of information processing (e.g. non-interactive audio) are often called multimedia, perhaps to distinguish static media from active media. In the Fine arts, for example, Leda Luss Luyken's ModulArt brings two key elements of musical composition and film into the world of painting: variation of a theme and movement of and within a picture, making ModulArt an interactive multimedia form of art. Performing arts may also be considered multimedia considering that performers and props are multiple forms of both content and media.

[edit] Usage

A presentation using Powerpoint. Corporate presentations may combine all forms of media content.
Virtual reality uses multimedia content. Applications and delivery platforms of multimedia are virtually limitless.
VVO Multimedia-Terminal in Dresden WTC (Germany)
Multimedia finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to, advertisements, art, education, entertainment, engineering, medicine, mathematics, business, scientific research and spatial temporal applications. Several examples are as follows:

[edit] Creative industries

Creative industries use multimedia for a variety of purposes ranging from fine arts, to entertainment, to commercial art, to journalism, to media and software services provided for any of the industries listed below. An individual multimedia designer may cover the spectrum throughout their career. Request for their skills range from technical, to analytical, to creative.
[edit] Commercial
Much of the electronic old and new media used by commercial artists is multimedia. Exciting presentations are used to grab and keep attention in advertising. Business to business, and interoffice communications are often developed by creative services firms for advanced multimedia presentations beyond simple slide shows to sell ideas or liven-up training. Commercial multimedia developers may be hired to design for governmental services and nonprofit services applications as well.
[edit] Entertainment and fine arts
In addition, multimedia is heavily used in the entertainment industry, especially to develop special effects in movies and animations. Multimedia games are a popular pastime and are software programs available either as CD-ROMs or online. Some video games also use multimedia features. Multimedia applications that allow users to actively participate instead of just sitting by as passive recipients of information are called Interactive Multimedia. In the Arts there are multimedia artists, whose minds are able to blend techniques using different media that in some way incorporates interaction with the viewer. One of the most relevant could be Peter Greenaway who is melding Cinema with Opera and all sorts of digital media. Another approach entails the creation of multimedia that can be displayed in a traditional fine arts arena, such as an art gallery. Although multimedia display material may be volatile, the survivability of the content is as strong as any traditional media. Digital recording material may be just as durable and infinitely reproducible with perfect copies every time.

[edit] Education

In Education, multimedia is used to produce computer-based training courses (popularly called CBTs) and reference books like encyclopedia and almanacs. A CBT lets the user go through a series of presentations, text about a particular topic, and associated illustrations in various information formats. Edutainment is an informal term used to describe combining education with entertainment, especially multimedia entertainment.
Learning theory in the past decade has expanded dramatically because of the introduction of multimedia. Several lines of research have evolved (e.g. Cognitive load, Multimedia learning, and the list goes on). The possibilities for learning and instruction are nearly endless.
The idea of media convergence is also becoming a major factor in education, particularly higher education. Defined as separate technologies such as voice (and telephony features), data (and productivity applications) and video that now share resources and interact with each other, synergistically creating new efficiencies, media convergence is rapidly changing the curriculum in universities all over the world. Likewise, it is changing the availability, or lack thereof, of jobs requiring this savvy technological skill.

[edit] Journalism

Newspaper companies all over are also trying to embrace the new phenomenon by implementing its practices in their work. While some have been slow to come around, other major newspapers like The New York Times, USA Today and The Washington Post are setting the precedent for the positioning of the newspaper industry in a globalized world.
News reporting is not limited to traditional media outlets. Freelance journalists can make use of different new media to produce multimedia pieces for their news stories. It engages global audiences and tells stories with technology, which develops new communication techniques for both media producers and consumers. Common Language Project is an example of this type of multimedia journalism production.

[edit] Engineering

Software engineers may use multimedia in Computer Simulations for anything from entertainment to training such as military or industrial training. Multimedia for software interfaces are often done as a collaboration between creative professionals and software engineers.

[edit] Industry

In the Industrial sector, multimedia is used as a way to help present information to shareholders, superiors and coworkers. Multimedia is also helpful for providing employee training, advertising and selling products all over the world via virtually unlimited web-based technology

[edit] Mathematical and scientific research

In mathematical and scientific research, multimedia is mainly used for modeling and simulation. For example, a scientist can look at a molecular model of a particular substance and manipulate it to arrive at a new substance. Representative research can be found in journals such as the Journal of Multimedia.

[edit] Medicine

In Medicine, doctors can get trained by looking at a virtual surgery or they can simulate how the human body is affected by diseases spread by viruses and bacteria and then develop techniques to prevent it.

[edit] Document imaging

Document imaging is a technique that takes hard copy of an image/document and converts it into a digital format (for example, scanners).

[edit] Disabilities

Ability Media allows those with disabilities to gain qualifications in the multimedia field so they can pursue careers that give them access to a wide array of powerful communication forms.

[edit] Miscellaneous

In Europe, the reference organisation for Multimedia industry is the European Multimedia Associations Convention (EMMAC).

[edit] Structuring information in a multimedia form

Multimedia represents the convergence of text, pictures, video and sound into a single form. The power of multimedia and the Internet lies in the way in which information is linked.
Multimedia and the Internet require a completely new approach to writing. The style of writing that is appropriate for the 'on-line world' is highly optimized and designed to be able to be quickly scanned by readers.[6]
A good site must be made with a specific purpose in mind and a site with good interactivity and new technology can also be useful for attracting visitors. The site must be attractive and innovative in its design, function in terms of its purpose, easy to navigate, frequently updated and fast to download.[7]
When users view a page, they can only view one page at a time. As a result, multimedia users must create a ‘mental model of information structure’.[8]

[edit] Conferences

There is a large number of multimedia conferences, the two main scholarly scientific conferences being:

[edit] See also

[edit] References

Multimedia Technologies by Ashok Banerji & Ananda Mohan Ghosh, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010, ISBN(13) 978-0-07-066923-9. Review in Google bookshelf or visit Learning center at:
  1. ^ Richard Albarino, "Goldstein's LightWorks at Southhampton," Variety, August 10, 1966. Vol. 213, No. 12.
  2. ^ Eagle Computer,, retrieved 2010-06-27 
  3. ^ Multi-Media Becomes Multi-Image,, retrieved 2010-04-30 
  4. ^ Vaughan, Tay, 1993, Multimedia: Making It Work (first edition, ISBN 0-07-881869-9), Osborne/McGraw-Hill, Berkeley, pg. 3.
  5. ^ Variety, January 1–7, 1996.
  6. ^ Stewart, C and Kowaltzke, A. 1997, Media: New Ways and Meanings (second edition), JACARANDA, Milton, Queensland, Australia. pp.102.
  7. ^ Jennifer Story, from Next Online,2002.
  8. ^ Lynch P., Yale University Web Style Manual, Http://
Creative media projects encourage a more inclusive world for the disabled. Multimedia Information and Technology v. 36 no. 1 (February 2010) p. 4

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instalasi pc

Langkah-langkah instalasi windows xp sp2 :
1. Siapkan CD WINDOWS XP
3. Atur bios terlebih dahulu agar prioritas bootingnya dimulai dari CD(DVD)-ROM, caranya:
a. Masuk ke BIOS dengan menekan tombol Del, atau F1, atau juga F2.
Pilih menu Advanced Settings, kemudian carilah ‘Boot Priority’ atau yang sejenis.
b. ubah pengaturanya, agar CDROM jadi urutan yang pertama
kemungkinan pilihan ini ada 2 jenis

* menu ‘First boot priority’, ‘Second boot priority’ dll: Aturlah ‘First boot
priority’ ke ‘CDROM’ dengan menekan tombol PgDn/Pgup (Page Down/Up) atau +/-.
Atur juga ‘Second boot priority’nya ke HDD0/HDD1.
* Jika menunya ‘Boot priority’: atur ke ‘CDROM, C, A’ atau ‘CDROM, A,
C. dengan menekan tombol PgDn/Up.

Cara paling mudah:
nggak usah setting biosnya. biarkan saja bios diload masukin CD WINDOWS nya, restart komputer, trus tekan-tekan F8 ato F10 atau F11 (boleh dicoba satu-satu) nanti bakal muncul opsi boot selection. pilih saja yg ada 'tulisan' cd-nya. trus enter. Selesai deh... ngga repot-repot...
4. Tunggu bebera saat sampai muncul tulisan "press any key to boot from CD"

5. Tekan ENTER atau sembarang tombol, lalu proses instalasi akan mngecek hardware komputer anda, kemudian akan muncul tulisan "windows setup" seperti gambar dibawah ini

6. lalu file-file di dalam cd akan di load ke dalam komputer, kemudian akan muncul tampilan "welcome to setup" seperti gambar dibawah ini


7. Tekan "ENTER" untuk menginstal windows xp, "R" untuk repair system windows yang sebelumnya pernah terinstal, "F3" untuk keluar dari proses instalasi, lalu akan muncul (End User Licese Aggrement)seperti gambar di bawah ini


8. Tekan "F8" kemudian proses instalasi akan mencari dan membaca partisi harddisc anda, kemudian akan muncul semua partisi harddisc anda, seperti gambar di bawah ini

9. Tekan "ENTER" untuk langsung menginstal windows, "C" untuk membuat partisi harddisc anda, kapasitas partisi sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, dalam satuan MB, selanjutnya jika anda membuat partisi dengan menekan tombol "C", maka akan muncul gambar seperti di bawah ini

10. Kemudian tuliskan kapasitas partisi yang ingin anda buat, seperti terlihat pada gambar diatas, sebagai contoh, misalkan kapasitas harddisc anda 40 GB, lalu anda ingin membagi dua, maka tuliskan 20000,jangan 20, karna partisi satuannya MB, tentunya anda mengerti kan...?? cat" 1GB = 1000 MB
11. Kenudian tekan "ENTER" maka akan muncul gambar seperti dibawah ini

12. kemudian pilih "format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)" atau "format the partition using the NTFS file system (Quick)" lalu tekan "ENTER" maka akan muncul layar sepert gambar di bawah ini

13. Kemudian arahkan pointer pada posisi "unpartitioned space", lalu tekan "C" maka akan muncul gambar seperti gambar sebelumnya, dalam hal ini layar yang akan muncul seperti gambar sebelumnya menunjukan sisa partisi yang telah anda bagi, jika anda cuma membagi 2 partisi saja maka langsung tekan "ENTER" tapi jika anda ingin mempartisi lagi sisa harddiscnya maka tinggal di bagi lagi aj, seperti langkah-langkah sebelumnya, mengertikan maksud saya....??
setelah selesai partisi ketika anda menekan "ENTER" seperti yang di jelaskan di atas, maka akan muncul gambar sperti gambar diatas, setelah itu arahkan poiter di posisi C: partition1 [New Raw], tapi biasanya sudah berada di posisi tersebut, maka anda tinggal menekan "ENTER" saja untuk proses instalasi windows, kemudian akan muncul proses format seperti gambar di bawah ini

14. Setelah selesai format, kemudian windows akan ,menyalin file untuk proses instalasi, seperti gambar di bawah ini

15. Setelah proses penyalinan selesai, secara otomatis komputer akan melakukan restart seperti gambar di bawah ini, dalam hal ini untuk mempercepat proses restart, anda bisa langsung menekan "ENTER"

16. Setelah itu akan muncul loading windows seperti gambar di bawah ini

17. selanjutnya proses instalasi windows di mulai 1..2..3...GOoooo muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

18. selanjutnya tinggal menunggu, sambil ngopi jg bisa, biar lebih terinspirasi, eitssss, tp jangan kemana mana dulu, karna selanjutnya akan muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

19. Langsung klik "NEXT" aja BOS...!!! lalu mucul lagi bos layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

20. Isi nama dan organisasinya, terserah BOS aja... lalu tekan "NEXT" kemudian akan muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

21. Masukan serial nombernya, jangan sampe salah ya....!!! kemudian tekan "Next" selanjutnya akan muncul layar administrator, isi aja mau dinamain apa komputernya, terserah deeeehhhhh......
kalau mau pake pasword tinggal di isi juga paswordnya, terserah juga mo apa paswordnya.... lalu tekan "Next" maka muncul layar Date and Time Setting seperti gambar di bawah ini

22. Masukan settingan jam dan tanggal, tentukan juga time zone anda, untuk jakarta :pilih GMT+7 Klik "Next" lagi BOS.... setelah proses instalasi windows delanjutkan, seperti gambar di bawah ini

23. Silahkan Menunggu lumayan lama BOS,.... sampai muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini

24. Selanjutnya akan muncul layar work group or computer Domain,seperti gambar di bawah ini

25. jika komputer anda terhubung dengan sebuah domain, maka isikan nama domainnya, tapi jika komputer anda stand alone, maka pilih radio button yang paling atas, lalu tekan "Next"

26. Selanjutnya akan muncul display setting, seperti gambar di bawah ini, klik "OK" aja BOS....!!!

27. Kemudian windows akan mendeteksi tampilan optimal dari PC anda, seperti terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, Klik "OK" aj BOS...!!!

28. Proses instalasi hampir selesai BOS..... selanjutnya akan muncul loading jendela windows seperti gambar di bawah ini

29. Selanjutnya anda akan dibawa masuk ke dalam windows untuk pertama kalinya seperti terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, tekan "Next" aj BOS..


30. Selanjutnya akan muncul layar "Help Protect Your PC", seperti gambar di bawah ini, kemudian pilih "Not Right Now" lalu tekan "Next"

31. Kemudian komputer akan mengecek koneksi ke internet, seprti terlihat pada gambar di bawah ini, pilih "Yes" lalu tekan "Next"

32. Kemudian akan muncul pilihan aktivasi windows, seperti gambar di bawah ini, lalu tekan "Next"


33. Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti gambar di bawah ini yang menunjukan pilihan untuk menambah pengguna komputer, Anda bisa memasukkan beberapa pengguna yang akan mengakses komputer Anda, Namun jika satu akun sudah cukup, atau Anda menginstall komputer untuk dipakai bergantian, cukup masukkan satu user kemudian klik "Next"

34. Proses instalasi windows selesai, kemudian akan muncul layar seperti gambar di bawah ini, klik "finish", maka proses instalasi selesai.....

35. Selesailah sudah semua.... kemudian perlahan masuk ke windowsnya

36. Kemudian tinggal menginstal CD Driver Motherboard, dan perangkat pendukung lainnya....

READ MORE - instalasi pc

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